
Contact Samtin


Add:North Industrial District Shenqiao Town, Zhaoan County,Fujian Province

E-Mail: stuyu@samtin.hk

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Company Culture

Innovation is the soul of all the work of Samtin people, to develop learning organization is the need of development.

01   Management Mission of Samtin:Encourage employees to become self managers of human resources, and consciously complete the management objectives of the enterprise.

02   Business Philosophy of Samtin:Change and Innovation, Market-oriented, the Pursuit of Perfection.

03   Strategic Positioning of Samtin:Focus principle, More Refined and More Detailed.

04   Service tenet of Samtin:Quality as the fulcrum, the pursuit of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

05   Team Spirit of Samtin:Have a common vision, values and rules of conduct and harmonious, interdependent relationship.

06   Innovative Mind of Samtin:Think what others think is impossible, in order to succeed is not afraid of failure, the courage to break the rules of the old!

07   Urgency Sense of Samtin:No speed of the enterprises are likely to be eaten every moment has no eternal advantage, today's advantage will become tomorrow's disadvantage, no creative thinking and strain capacity of enterprises will be difficult to survive and develop.

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